Did you look outside last night? If you did, you saw the Moon After Yule--the first full Moon after the December solstice. I spent an hour watching it rise and took these photos. The first one isn't a great photo of the Moon but I thought the tree looked cool with the clouds behind it.

The Moon was still low here. The dark spot in the middle are clouds that kept passing in front of it.

I caught an airplane heading towards Dulles Airport in this photo.

Here you can see a cloud ring surrounding the Moon. I believe it's called a corona but could be wrong.

It looks like a hand is covering the Moon in this photo. What do you think?

This is my attempt at taking a photo of the constellation Orion. It's not a great photo either but I do see it. Look it up on Wiki and you'll see it too once you have something to compare it to. You'll have to click on this photo to enlarge it so you can see the stars. I believe that's Venus in the bottom middle of the photo.

I took this photo at 5:50 this morning. I wanted to see if the Moon surface looked different in the western sky and it does.

We've got winter weather moving in tonight so I have nothing to entertain me. Guess I'm stuck watching the idiot box (as Daddy likes to say) instead.
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